Can this be it? I think I’ve just found the key to describing the relationship between the Web and document-style Web services. Cross your fingers. If all goes as planned, the next few weeks are going to be very exciting.

Scoble writes;

I’m watching 636 sites every day. Try to do THAT in your Web browser.

Which way would you prefer?

And not to mention that “not using the browser” is different than “not using the Web”. How did you get that RSS? Uh huh, I thought so. 8-)

As an interesting addendum to the Eolas debacle, did you realize that Mike Doyle from Eolas flaunted their acquisition of the UC patent on www-talk? ’nuff said.

“Tech Curmudgeon”, while probably still an accurate description of my attitude towards so much “new” technology, wasn’t really conveying, at a glance, what my weblog was (currently) about. So I’ve renamed it “Web Things”.

There’s a double-entendre there, but you probably have to be a Web-head to get it (or at least come down on the right side of the httpRange-14 8-).

Though he didn’t use the words “self-description”, a good article nonetheless.

FWIW though, I think XML only provides the syntax in which contextual information can be serialized. It’s a start, but we need more.

A great quote relayed by Jim Hendler, as told by an old advisor of his;

“the only thing better than a strong advocate is a weak critic”

Heh. Too true.

Nelson writes;

Each of the individual applications using RDF I know of could have been done more easily with plain XML

Absolutely and unapologetically true.

But the statement misses the critical lesson of software architecture (and architecture in general); only by applying constraints can one realize useful properties. RDF/XML based apps have more useful properties than does an XML based app; specifically, “data silos” are avoided.

Tim Bray just chimed in on the whole Shirky issue, and is pretty much bang-on again. I’m not going to talk about that issue though, but I wanted to discuss something Tim brought up, XBRL. He wrote;

Of course, if companies as a matter of routine posted XBRL versions of their financials at addresses like and and and, a huge amount of time and money would be saved. And you’d have taken some useful steps towards a machine-processable web.

I think he’s right there, mostly. In the case of a bunch of XBRL/HTTP agents (or indeed any data format and HTTP), you have a machine processable system, and a pretty darned useful one too; I’m not trying to diminish the value that would provide at all by these comments. But it’s just a system, one that doesn’t have anything to do with (i.e. has no way to integrate with) any other HTTP based system. It’s a silo.

Where we really want to get to, is to do away with silos entirely. The Web solved the “protocol/interface silo” problem (though many still don’t recognize that). Now, phase two will aim to solve the “data silo” problem (which the example above is a case of). I don’t know if it will work or not, but we’ve got the right team on the job IMO.

BTW, I also liked Tim’s comments about betting against TimBL, and “shooting fish in a barrel”. It reminds me of an earlier blog entry I made about Jeremy Allaire, and indirectly Adam Bosworth, saying that TimBL was “on another planet”. Heh, right.

Dave has written a great piece on loose coupling for It really breaks things down well, including a list of 10 ways in which loose coupling can be achieved. That list, *GASP*, even includes “constrained interfaces”.

As you might expect, I disagree with Dave on some stuff. But most of it is pretty accurate, I’d say. Where I disagree with him, again, is where he starts talking about the role of humans. In several places, he correctly points out where, in the process of browser-based Web surfing, humans currently enter the equation. But then, in most cases without any evidence that he’s thought about the issue at any depth, automatically assumes that because humans currently do it, machines can’t, concluding with the implicit assumption that the Web isn’t currently good for automata and therefore needs Web services.

I really wish he would take the time to explore that hypothesis of his in more detail, because it’s not like you have to look too far to see how automata have been integrating with one another using constrained interfaces; there’s an entire branch of distributed computing devoted to it. Allow me to paste a relevant snippet from that link;

Large systems of distributed, heterogeneous software components play an increasingly important role within our society. The paradigm shift from objects to components in software engineering is necessitated by such societal demands, and is fuelled by Internet-driven software development. Using components means understanding how they individually interact with their environment, and specifying how they should engage in mutual, cooperative interactions in order for their composition to behave as a coordinated whole. Coordination models and languages address such key issues in Component Based Software Engineering as specification, interaction, and dynamic composition of components.

If I hadn’t mentioned that, and you stumbled upon it in an article like Dave’s, you’d think that was talking about Web services, wouldn’t you? Surprise.

Don Box asks;

In a world in which all SOAP messages have <wsa:Action> header blocks, why do my Body elements need XML namespace qualification?

First order answer; I’d say simply because an intermediary that doesn’t know the value of the Action header might want to look at the payload.

Second order answer; I think it’s a fairly small & uninteresting world where it would it make sense to have Action headers within the SOAP envelope. In order for SOAP to make proper use of application protocols (well, transfer protocols at least), SOAP headers should be constrained to containing representation data and metadata, as that’s the data that remains constant between hops over different application protocols. For example, through a HTTP to SMTP bridge, a SOAP envelope should remain constant. “Action” is message metadata, and therefore does not necessarily remain constant between different protocols; it’s hop-by-hop.

Where it would make sense to put the Action header (and other non-representation headers) in the SOAP envelope, is when SOAP is used with transport protocols. But I don’t think there’s much value to that, at least in the short/medium term; the value of reusing established application protocols is too great.