Dare Obasanjo, RESTafarian 8-)
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My co-chair and sent out acceptance notices yesterday for this year’s Developer’s Day at WWW2005.

Full details will be provided later, but I wanted to mention right up front – since I’m quite excited about it – that Tantek and Eric have put together a full day track on the topic of microformats. I fully expect we’re going to knock some socks off with this stuff, in particular those of Semantic-Web-inclined folks. Or at least that’ll be my objective during my talk. 8-)

Now, I just need to figure out how to schedule the Sem Web and Microformats tracks so that we can encourage some cross-pollination. Hmm, kinda hard when both run parallel, for the whole day. Double hmm…

“[…]just like “http” is the standard Universal Resource Locator for identifiying a web page”. No, http is like (void *), untyped. It’s for resources, not Web pages. ISBN should have gone with http://isbn.org/num/82734983274
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“A service description, in its most basic format, establishes: the name of the service, a description of the data expected by the service, a description of any data returned by the service”. Then what are those operation things?
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“Document style indicates that the SOAP body simply contains an XML document.”. Now there’s a definition I can get behind!! Too bad most contain wsa:Action nowadays.
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Another call for 2005 to be the year of Web services
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Phil Windley summarizes a point made by John McDowall;

In other words, conveying meaning trumps protocol as a priority for interoperability

Ah, but protocols convey meaning. They therefore don’t trump it, because they are (part of) it.

Said another way, what’s the difference between a SOAP envelope and a SOAP message? Answer; a SOAP message includes the envelope of any underlying application protocol, and with it, the meaning of that envelope.

A good box model rant for a Monday. Takes a stab at XForms and XHTML 2 while he’s at it too. Heh.
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“I offer these scripts online in case anyone finds them useful or might want to pursue the practise of logging everything and then looking at it.”
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