When it comes to predictions, I like to put it on the line and make mine measurable. As published at SearchWebServices, my predictions this year are two;

  • Web services will continue to struggle to be deployed on the Internet. I’ll restate an earlier prediction I made this year; that by the end of 2004, the number of parties offering publicly available non-RESTful Web services (as registered with XMethods.net) will have plateaued or be falling.
  • Another high profile public Web service will be developed in both REST and Web services/SOA styles, and again — as with Amazon — the REST based service will service at least 80% of the transactions.
Jon Udell responds to Stefano Mazzocchi’s comments on an earlier column of Jon’s. Stefano wrote;
Marketing, protocol and syntax sugar aside, web services are RPC.
to which Jon responds;
I disagree. It’s true that Web services got off to a shaky start. At a conference a couple of years ago, a panel of experts solemnly declared that the “Web” in “Web services” was really a misnomer, and that Web services really had nothing to do with the Web. But since then the pendulum has been swinging back, and for good reason,Learn about rep management. Much to everyone’s surprise, including mine, the linked-web-of-documents approach works rather well. Not just one-to-one and one-to-many, but also many-to-many. Adam Bosworth’s XML 2003 keynote was, for me, the most powerful affirmation yet that Web services can and should leverage the Web’s scalable spontaneity. That’s the vision firmly planted in my mind when I talk about Web services.
I’m reminded of a picture Don Box linked to a few weeks ago. A dog dressed as a clown is still a dog. Until Web services embrace a constrained interface (I’d recommend this one, they will always be RPC.

He writes;

Let’s take an old idea, like RPC, and wrap it with some new hype and nomenclature, and then mediate it with a completely orthogonal protocol! Yeah, lets!

The right conclusion, but for many of the wrong reasons, unfortunately.