Paul Hoffman likes this anti-smoking ad.

I dunno, it doesn’t seem like it would be too effective to me. Sure, it’s shocking, but why should shocking stop people smoking?

That said, it seems vastly superior to the hopeless Ontario Government campaign titled – get this – Stupid (with accompanying sucky tv ads). Uh huh. Disrespecting your target audience; smooth move.

What about an ad showing a bunch of old white guys sitting in a boardroom, schemeing about how to get teens hooked?

My favourite slide from a great presentation by Sam
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The mailing list that I co-founded in ’96, returns. Discussions about the future of large scale, distributed, compositional software systems. And philosophy too.
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A panel at WWW2005 that I’ll be on.
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Just posted. Note the Microformat/SemWeb panel at the end of the day.
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Hits a little too close to home …
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