Bingo; “The reason we are building Web 2.0 is because we were not able to build Email 2.0.”. The Web is *better*
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Patrick says everything I wanted to say about the Session/Coatta chat.
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Rather than re-post it here, I’ll just link to Greg. Note that WWW2006 will be a different format than previous years. For example, DevDay isn’t a day, but a track. Lots of other good changes too.
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“Jon Udell, VP of Worldwide Consulting, BEA” Heh, an unexpected (and questionable) move from Jon. 8-)
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“More details to come.”. I certainly hope so! All this fanfare for a toolbar bundling deal?! Where’s the meat? A desperate move by Sun, hoping some Google fairy-dust will fall on them.
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The first in a series of articles I’m writing, covering XML based compound documents
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Ian Hickson goes to Google! Congrats, Ian. Big news (and one of the worst kept secrets around 8-)
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Another satisfied customer (hey, if Winer can point to every RSS 2.0 feed, surely I can do this? 8-)
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I’ve maintained for many years that “application servers” aren’t necessary. So I don’t think AJAX is needed for this to happen, but if it helps folks see the light, great.
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But arguably the only real difference between CORBA and Web services is that, this time around, the superplatform vendors are in somewhat better agreement on where they’ll commoditize, compete, and interoperate.

Excellent point!

If only it mattered.

As difficult as it might be to understand, CORBA failed primarily for technical reasons (sorry, Steve 8-). Web services have done little to remedy those technical problems. Had they, we’d all be happily reusing the Web for machine-to-machine communication and integration, and building new specs that extend it, rather than new specs which treat it as any old bit pipe.