Doug responds, in reference to using URIs;
This implies that the document is associated with (tightly coupled to) a fixed location as specified in the URI.
Not at all. Are you aware that the machine that you’re grabbing my blog from relocated up the street five months ago? In the odd chance that you were, did any of your links to my blog have to change, or were you or any other linker to my site impacted in any way? No, of course not. A http URI is not location dependent if it uses a DNS name (as opposed to an IP address), because a DNS name can map to multiple IP addresses over time.
He also writes;
You can’t send email to me using an HTTP GET or[sic] POST to my desktop PC because it may be turned off.
That’s not true. You appear to be looking at REST through from the point of view of a browser. It would help to look *past* the browser, to state transfer (aka document tranfer). You could have a HTTP gateway sitting on some server someplace, which I POST emails too. When you boot up your laptop, you’d connect to the server, and invoke GET to retrieve those emails. That’s perfectly RESTful.
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