Good stuff from Lucas. IMO, a URI would be better than a bit, but I’d much prefer an RDF document to the URI, so that all that information could be in the stream itself.
(link) [Mark Baker’s Bookmarks]
First Bosworth, now Dietzen. Mnot for CTO!!
(link) [Mark Baker’s Bookmarks]
“Make the operations of your web service interface as granular as possible.”. Unfortunately, the quality of the advice given in the rest of the article isn’t quite so good.
(link) [Mark Baker’s Bookmarks]

A very cool and intuitive Python API for HTTP by Mark.

On a related note, being a command-line kinda guy, I’ve long lusted for a “Web shell” which allows me to do this (but lacked the time or skill necessary to build my own);

$ cat # PUT
$ cat foo >> # POST
$ rm # DELETE

Idea courtesy Jeff Bone

Phew, that took longer than expected! Congratulations to Roy and the adhoc “URI WG”.