… the nickname I’ve given to my previous musings on thread evaluation.

One thought I had about an Internet-scale ThreadRank, versus what’s described there, is that one can’t make any closed world assumptions.

For example, where the thread patterns page discusses the “blindingly obvious answer”, it makes a closed world assumption that all responses (answers) are known. In a Web/blog-based “thread”, there may very well be answers that aren’t known.

Moreover, there seems to be an assumption that most participants read most posts, whereas with blogs on the Web, that obviously isn’t the case. Therefore, even if a thread structure like that of the “blindingly obvious answer” was found, it wouldn’t necessarily indicate that the answer was “blindingly obvious”; it could, say, just be a message which was of interest to a number of people in some smaller community.

More thoughts as they occur to me … 8-)


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