“The question is whether this disconnect invalidates the teachings of REST. I think the answer is no.” Thanks, Dare.
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Congrats to ifindkarma and troutgirl!
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“Then your neighbor points out that a piece of chewing gum and two pennies would have worked more quickly and less expensively.” Heh. The dilemna of Web services.
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“HTTP: it’s so slick you dont need any layers on top”. Heh, well, you need data on top 8-)
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“The addiction to complexity is a disease and the enterprisey babble is its vector”
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Damn nice. But where are the ads hiding?
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+1 “So far, the evidence from Jini/Javaspaces, Ruple, the XML Spaces open source project, etc. is that there isn’t a sweet spot here that can’t be approximated with existing DB-backed Web frameworks.”
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“I’m interested in using gopher as a protocol for dynamic information exchange in a way similar to XML-RPC and SOAP”. That’s disturbing on so many levels. *shudder*
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So after many weeks looking for a job, including a
rather frantic last few days where I received three
(!) cold calls, I’m happy to report that I’ve accepted a
full time position as “Standards Manager” at RIM, aka
Research in Motion,
purveyors of high quality
addictive substances.
This gets me back into mobile, after taking a bit of
a break when I left – in 2003 – the mobile
It also means I’ll get to continue to work at the W3C,
which I’m very happy about, especially as it seems to have
found some new life in the work on
Web Apps.