More debates coming about REST and WS…
In a talk between Mark Baker and Stefan Tilkov published on InfoQ titled “Give it a REST: Mark Baker on Web Services”, Mark Baker says that Web services build upon HTTP, but they don’t build upon the Web. The Web……
Hey Mark,
I threw up some further thoughts on REST vs SOA from a development perspective. Check it out if you get the chance.
Oops, that’s the correct URL.
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More debates coming about REST and WS…
In a talk between Mark Baker and Stefan Tilkov published on InfoQ titled “Give it a REST: Mark Baker on Web Services”, Mark Baker says that Web services build upon HTTP, but they don’t build upon the Web. The Web……
Hey Mark,
I threw up some further thoughts on REST vs SOA from a development perspective. Check it out if you get the chance.
Oops, that’s the correct URL.