Savas says that iTunes is doing a proprietary version of Web services. I don’t think so. He writes;
If, however, they wanted to describe the structure of that information, how would they do it? Theyd probably use XML Schema.
Yep, agreed there. I think RDF would be a better solution, but given they’re using plain old XML, XML Schema would be the way to go.
And if they wanted to describe the message exchange patterns, the contract for the interactions with the store (e.g., “when the XML document with the order information for a song comes, the response will be the XML document with the song”)?
Hold on. Why would they ever do that? Why would they want to artificially restrict the type of documents returned from an interaction? That would mean that if they wanted to insert a step between order submission and and song download, that they’d have to change the interface and its description? No thanks. I would prefer that the client determine what to do based on the type of the document that actually arrives. Let’s keep the perpetually-static stuff in the protocol, and let everything else happen dynamically.
And if they wanted their service to be integrated with other applications without having to read Apple specifications on how to include the information in HTTP requests and how to read HTTP responses?
I don’t follow. One need only look at the HTTP spec to determine how that’s done. SOAP buys you nothing in that case, AFAICT. It buys you other things (better extensibility, richer intermediary model, etc..), but none of those seem relevant to ITMS at present.
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