My favourite slide from a great presentation by Sam
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The mailing list that I co-founded in ’96, returns. Discussions about the future of large scale, distributed, compositional software systems. And philosophy too.
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A panel at WWW2005 that I’ll be on.
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Just posted. Note the Microformat/SemWeb panel at the end of the day.
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Hits a little too close to home …
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Yup. Looks like I’ll have the opportunity to try out my newly earned Canadian voting rights sooner than expected, weee!
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Simple drag-and-drop and in-place editing examples.
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I just cleaned this up a bit. Left the structure intact, but fixed some errors, clarified some misconceptions, etc..
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Via a friend, an interesting project with an interesting description;

This model, known as the ERP5 Universal Business Model, makes it possible to reuse code by abstracting away from the specific domain and encapsulating the generic relationships and actions common to many business processes.

Awesome idea! Gee, if only somebody would do that for the Internet! 8-)