Just a quick followup on a previous piece, Ajaxian picked up a couple of declarative Javascript stories today;
- Declaritive Ajax components and XML namespaces, referencing a great Dave Johnson post.
- a new ZK Google Maps components, which is used declaratively
Any move of the pendulum in this direction is a-ok by me. But to be clear, I am glad it’s a pendulum … meaning that there’ll always be a place for script (the bleeding edge), but we need to consolidate common practice periodically. This also gives us the opportunity to support the functionality natively in the browser.
Big +1.
I’m glad to see Dave Johnson’s post; writing up how I got to hinclude has been on my todo list for a while, and now I don’t have to do it. :)
I’m thinking of logging a TAG issue about HTML extensibility, because the validity-heads say that any extension like this is fundamentally broken, and bad for HTML. Which I say hogwash to.
Hogwash indeed.
Trackback! http://www.mnot.net/blog/2006/10/19/declarative_ajax