No SOAP support. Not even a mention, AFAICT.
I was checking out the latest Atom Publishing Protocol draft today. It’s come a long way, and it’s surprisingly brief – thank goodness for that. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of regret though; SOAP could have been Atom.
“Please take noteā¦ per our announcement on May 12, we will shutdown Version 3 of the API today. Please make sure you have migrated your applications to Version 4 in order to ensure uninterrupted service” – this, from the world’s most successful Web company. Obviously somebody missed a memo.
Sanjiva inadvertantly (I assume!) tells it like it is;
I’m still convinced that WS-* is the best technology *available today* to implement SOAs that do real “enterprisey” stuff
An email I received last night.
Hello, I am with www.XXXXXXXXXXX.com; we are a highly ranked website with a PR6 Google ranking. Since we both sites that are ranked for "Smoking Urns" thus I thought that it would be advantegous for us to link to each others site. In our experience, these types of highly focused relevant links from the sites that are focused on content similar to others is extremely valuable in achieving high ORGANIC natural rankings on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. Please let us know if this is something that you would be intrested in doing, or if you have any questions please email me your phone number and I will be happy to call you to discuss this matter.
Here’s the page he’s referring to, I assume. No comment.
“If you’re going to expose your service through multiple protocols then I really think that should it should be done in such as way as to take full advantage of the features of each protocol.”
“I think I’ll come out of the closet as an admitted RESTafarian / Web Stylista” Welcome to the fold, Stu! One dist-obj mailing list alumnus converted, (at least) one more to go. 8-)
After 4 years on Blosxom (thanks Rael!), I decided I needed something a little more user friendly, so I switched to WordPress tonight. I had a few issues, most of which were resolved without much effort, but a couple weird ones required workarounds rather than clean fixes. If you have any problems, please let me know. Oh, and I switched to Atom (1.0) only too – or at least that’s the only feed I advertise.
And did I mention the comments?